

When entering data into the iPhone's Health Care application,

1. Launch Health Care

2. Select the category of input items.

3. Select an entry category

4. Tap "Add Data"

5. Enter data from the keyboard

6. Tap "Add".

7. Tap "OK" when the confirmation screen appears.

The above steps are required each time.

When using this application (Health Care Input)

1. Start the application

2. Tap blood pressure, weight, or temperature

3. Read out the measured value Tap "OK The process can be completed in

4 steps: 1. →Select an item→read out→OK to input data.


When you start the app for the first time, tap "Permission to Access Health Care" and check all items on the following screen to give this app permission to write your blood pressure, weight, and temperature in Health Care and permission to read your height.



1. Tap blood pressure, weight, or temperature.

2.blood pressure (maximum blood pressure is 139 and minimum blood pressure is 90)

Please read out the blood pressure as "139", "90", "139", "90", "139", "90", etc.

If a breath is taken between the highest and lowest blood pressure, the recognition rate will be higher.

body temperature (in the case of 36.4°C)

Please read out loud, for example, "36.4℃.

body weight (61.0 kg) Please read out the data as "61.0 kg" or "61.1 ten-zero".

3. Tap "OK" if the data is correct.

4. If it is incorrect, correct the data and tap "OK.



When entering blood pressure on the settings screen, if you have set to enter the average of two times, please read out the first highest blood pressure, first lowest blood pressure, second highest blood pressure, and third lowest blood pressure in this order when reading out the data.

If you have set the system to record BMI when entering weight, please enter your height data in the Health Care section in advance