

This screen is used to make various initial settings for the program.
Tap "<<Ret" on the upper left to return to the initial screen.

設定画面がはいる 予定

Version Information

Ver *. *. * & Biuld *. *. *.

Displays version and Build information in the abave format

Check when using hints

When set to "ON", a confirmation message asking whether to consume hint points is displayed when using hints.

Confirmation of hint skip

When set to "ON", the remaining hints can be skipped and only the result can be displayed when the hints are displayed. It is used when the result is known without explanation.

Automatic memo update

When set to "ON", the number in the memo is automatically updated each time the number is confirmed.


When set to "ON", a sound effect will be produced when entering numbers and when the problem has been solved. The volume follows the audio volume.

Incorrect input check

When set to "ON", when you tap the check button, you will be notified if there is an input error. If you find that the game becomes less interesting if you use it a lot, please turn it "OFF".